About Us

The HousErasmus+ project aims to identify the challenges and best practices around accommodation for international students and trainees. Based on these information, we will make concrete recommendations and advocate for an improved situation for all mobile students and trainees in Europe. 

 The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the Key Action 3: Forward-Looking Cooperation projects (EACEA/33/2014) heading.

Our Research:

  • A comprehensive literature review
  • Surveys to the different student housing stakeholders in Europe
  • 10 study visits at the local level



Student housing in Granada. An Overview.

Granada is the capital city of the province of Granada in Andalusia, in the sunny south of Spain. It’s located between the sea and the mountain. And it takes only 30 minutes to reach both places.That is awesome, isn’t it? It has about 230.000 inhabitants and the ESN Granada receives every year 2.000 international students in our University. They usually speak spanish but they come from all over the world! The most of them are from Italy, Germany, Portugal, UK or America.


In Paris, with love.

The second study visit of the project just concluded in Paris a few days ago.

It was another success and UNICA managed to meet different stakeholders and gather some very interesting best practices.

Our next visit will take place in Granada, Spain in July.


The 1st study visit took place in Helsinki

On June 9-10th 2016, UNICA went to Helsinki to interview partners and deep-dive into the student housing situation in Helsinki.

The visit went very well and we managed to gather information from all stakeholders (students, housing providers, universities and municipalities). A report and a video of the visit are now being produced and will feed into our overall research project. 

The next study visit will take place in Paris, in a few weeks.


HousErasmus+ project advertised on the ESN website!

The dissemination for our survey to international students and trainees has started and the project partners are being mobilised.

ESN has published an article on its website to promote our initiative.

Go on and have a look: http://esn.org/news/houserasmus%2B 


Final Conference

The HousErasmus+ final conference took place in Brussels on September 21st and 22nd 2017.

For more information, consult the conference website.


Regional Conferences



As part of our advocacy and Capacity Building activities, we have organised 4 regional conferences to share the results of our research and discuss with stakeholders about what conclusions to take from them, what ways we can implement to improve the international student housing situation.



Erasmus Student Network

  • Rue Joseph II 120
    1000 Brussels
  • Tel.: +32 (0) 22 567 427


  • The ESN Office is open from Monday to Friday, 9AM - 5PM. 
  • The ESN Office stays closed 23rd December - 6th January, 8th - 15th July and during official public holidays in Belgium.